Januburu SIX SEASONS Broome

This development has received the Urban Development Institute Urban Sustainability Award for Excellence 2009.

On behalf of LandCorp and in mutual engagement with Traditional Owners, urbanplan designed a 380 Lot subdivision including an Environmental Cultural Corridor to create a strong connection to Country and effect a robust subdivision design. At the request of the Traditional Owners, and following the outcomes of the 1997 Town Planning for Aboriginal Culture project, the subdivision design applies an ECC that recognises an existing cultural trail, now named Magurr, which translates to Animal Track. Continuous engagement of Aboriginal people enabled expression of culture and heritage through landscape design.

As a result, the ECC has the functions of linking existing local parks and Primary Schools to Minyirr Coastal Park, a most significant place to the Indigenous people, providing a Flora and Fauna with swale drainage to detain stormwater flows.

Januburu (Lit. our country) SIX SEASONS is classified as LandCorp’s Benchmark projects in the achievement of sustainable, environmental, economic and culturally responsive design outcomes