Landform & Biodiversity Retention Policy

The Natural Landform and Biodiversity Retention Policy was created for LandCorp as a contextual guidance statement articulating the process and means to achieve greater retention of landform and biodiversity commencing with a systematic site analysis integrated with social and design criteria.

Process steps comprise:

  • Define project performance objectives, criteria and standards
  • Identify Pre-development site characteristics: Landform and Ecology characteristics
  • Identify Constraints and Opportunities
  • Consult in relation to areas of cultural, community and historical significance to provide local ownership, input and benchmarks for decision making
  • Assess landform capability for proposed densities and built form
  • Identify best planning practices to meet objectives and standards
  • Prepare Masterplanning, Guidelines and Management Plans
  • Prepare Building Guidelines for implementation of appropriate built form
  • Identify roles and responsibilities for implementation and evaluation